Innovation That Matters

Search tool offers medical information personalized to each user

Sport & Fitness

Medivizor helps patients find medical information that is relevant to them by tailoring results to each user.

The internet is increasingly home to reams of information that patients can use to self-diagnose before they contact a health professional, but this wealth of data may either be poorly-researched or may not even be relevant to them. We’ve already seen Cureus try to tackle the first of these issues by placing peer-reviewed papers straight onto the web, and now Israel’s Medivizor is a search tool that offers results personalized to each user. Currently open to those looking for information on breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and melanoma, Medivizor users first sign up and enter details about themselves and their condition – or those of the person they’re caring for. The service then delivers relevant news and updates that may help them learn more about their condition and what it means for them. The research on the site is curated based on quality, ease of comprehension and whether it includes actionable options for patients to pursue. Medivizor doesn’t aim to do away with professional opinion, but instead empowers patients to do their own reliable research they can then share with their doctors. The following video explains more about the concept: Medivizor is currently invitation-only and hopes to expand to include other conditions in the near future. When it comes to serious medical illnesses, how else can patients ensure the information they find on the web is accurate? Spotted by: Tracy Chong

