Service to help businesses benefit from employees who cycle
Work & Lifestyle
PleaseCycle helps businesses encourage staff to cycle to work using a range of online tools.
Hardly a week goes by without us spotting a new innovation hoping to make travelling on two-wheels easier and more accessible. Now in London, PleaseCycle provide businesses with a range of online tools to help them encourage staff to cycle to work.
PleaseCycle founders — Ry Morgan and Anthony Ganjou — claim that staff who cycle to work are more productive and take less sick days. With that in mind, PleaseCycle create client-branded online portals called CycleHubs, where employees can plan routes, chat to other cyclists via a forum and log their daily mileage. The CycleHubs are also designed to encourage cycling through company-wide leader-boards and BikeMiles, a kind of “air miles scheme for cyclists”. Rewards include discounts at local bike shops and free coffee from nearby cafés. Using the CycleHubs tool, companies can also audit carbon savings made by cycled journeys and capture the ROI of Cycle to Work programmes. Meanwhile, PleaseCycle’s BikeConcierge offers a range of services, including bicycle training, branded hire bikes, maintenance and insurance. Clients such as BSkyB, GlaxoSmithKline and Ernst & Young have already signed up to the service, hoping to create a healthier workforce and boost their CSR credentials.
In less than a month since PleaseCycle launched, over 5,000 miles have been logged. Could this be one for your business to create a more motivated, healthier and happier workforce?
22nd November 2011