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An all-in-one communication and fundraising platform for PTAs

Monday Envelope is looking to bring PTAs into the 21st Century, with a new platform designed to ease communication and facilitate projects.

Parent Teacher Organizations are a great idea in theory, but in practice, they can often amount to little more than long paper trails and ineffective disorganization. Our latest spotting — Monday Envelope — is looking to change all of that, and help every PTA realize their potential.

The company was founded by Bryn Boughton after her first hand experience with the chaos of PTAs when her daughter entered kindergarten. In an effort to counter confusing chains of communication, the platform will send out a weekly email which details all of the actions the PTA have planned that are still outstanding. Those receiving the email can quickly see, at a glance, everything that still requires volunteers, or needs to be paid for or signed. The service also lets users see all upcoming activities and events, and they can sign up for daily updates to stay more informed. The central premise is that all communications, from all group leaders, can be directed through one platform, rather than becoming fragmented.

The platform also accommodates event management, as organizers can request RSVPs and collect payments through the web app. The ability to collect payments, of course, goes beyond simply funding events — it can also be put towards funding school necessities. The service even includes its own crowdfunding platform, which supports the gifting of rewards.

Where the platform sets itself apart from similar offerings is its ease of use and accessibility. The web app is viewable on all platforms without any download, and users won’t need to login to communicate with members. What’s more, if someone performs an action outside of the platform, it’s easy for someone else to update it on their behalf.

What other organizations could benefit from such a platform?
