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Dutch SellSigns helps consumers sell used cars by combining customized for sale signs and online profiles. How it works? The seller creates a profile containing the car’s details, plus his/her own contact information. The website then produces two small banners that sellers can place on their own websites or blogs, as well as a PDF. The PDF can be printed and taped on a car window, and shows the car’s price, mileage and year. This offline ad directs potential buyers to to find more detailed information and contact the seller, using the car’s license plate to locate it on the website.
Springwise thinks it would make more sense to include a short URL that goes directly to the car’s page, as well as an SMS option that would let potential buyers text message a car’s ID to a phone number, receiving full details by return message. That said, it’s a useful combination of offline and online DIY advertising, and an alternative to sellers posting their phone numbers on hand-made for sale signs. One to learn from and improve on if you’re in the business of facilitating sales or rentals.
Related: See-snap-buy – Infolust
Spotted by: Eduard de Wilde
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