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Female only co-working space in Brazil

São Paulo based, Feminaria is Brazil’s first women only coworking space.

Violence against women in Brazil is endemic, and traditionally there has been widespread acceptance of sexual violence in society. But things are improving. Last year, for example, after protests fighting the impeachment of the country’s first female president, Dilma Rousseff, Google searches for the word “feminism” in Brazil rose by 86% between October 2015 and January 2016 alone. Now, demonstrating that change is afoot, September saw the launch of Brazil’s first co-working space open only to women, Feminaria.

The initiative began as a feminist Facebook group and forum for discussion about feminist issues like the gender pay gap. It subsequently developed into a professional networking group and has now launched its first workspace. Feminaria offers events, courses and lectures, as well as a female-only workspace. The building boasts a kitchen, meeting rooms and hot-desking areas. Membership is available on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Springwise has looked at some interesting female-only innovations across a wide range of sectors and countries. In India, delivery stations staffed entirely by women aim to improve the chances of economic independence for single women. And in the US, a networking scheme is designed to tackle the glass ceiling in Silicon Valley. Where else could female-only models be usefully employed to promote female empowerment?