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While many brands are racing to set up a brand space in Second Life (see: Aloft, American Apparel, Telus), iVillage is taking a different approach. Starting today, the online community for women will be hosting a biweekly Girls Night Out in Second Life. Every two weeks a different curator will lead a group of iVillage members on a tour through the metaverse, showing them interesting locations and letting them meet some of Second Life’s most remarkable residents. Tours will also include music events, discussions and tutorials.
The goal of the events is to showcase and highlight the community of women who are creating and innovating in Second Life. The initiative is being organized by Electric Artists and The Electric Sheep Company. In an interview with 3pointD, Electric Artists’ CEO Marc Schiller points out: “Second Life has an incredibly rich community of women. I didn’t really see that the brands coming into Second Life were addressing these women at all. What’s needed in Second Life are not more branded islands, but letting people know what the great things in Second Life already are. This is about iVillage extending what they already are on the Web, a place to bring women together.”
Tours start in iVillage’s loft, where participants can download a branded tour application (HUD). While the tours are geared towards women, all genders are welcome to join in. Which is just as well, since gender swapping isn’t uncommon in SL. 😉
Contact: Cynthia,
Tour guides for virtual travel
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