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Social shopping is something we’ve been seeing more and more of lately, including sites like Blippy and Estonian The latest spotting?, which adds geolocation and an augmented reality twist. Users of Canadian can take photos of their purchases, share them with their friends through Facebook and Twitter, and comment on the purchases others have made. Google Maps integration allows users to find local friends and deals, while a point system recognizes those who contribute most to the site. A free iPhone app is already available, with versions for Android and Blackberry coming soon. Perhaps most interesting of all, in fact, is that the Android version will include an augmented reality app that lets users walk into a store and see what others on the site have already purchased, the company says. Ultimately, hopes to forge partnerships with online retailers to enable tweets on the site whenever consumers buy something, according to a report on Mashable. Take one part social shopping, one part mapmania and one part nowism—and add a splash of augmented reality—and you just might have a winning mix. One more to watch! Spotted by: Sara