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Online guide helps travelers find and book fitness classes across the US

GoRecess is a site that aims to help users find the best exercise classes for them on any given day, no matter where they happen to be.

Finding time for fitness can be a daunting challenge, but for those who travel frequently or keep irregular schedules, sticking to any kind of routine can seem impossible. Enter GoRecess, a site that aims to help users find the best exercise classes for them on any given day, no matter where they happen to be. Much the way Spoontrip helps travelers find authentic culinary experiences wherever their journeys may take them, so GoRecess aims to help its users find a good exercise class for any day, location and time. Users of the free site can search GoRecess for yoga, pilates, cardio, and martial arts classes, among many other types, from among thousands listed across the US. Peer reviews are available to help them zero in on the best classes for them, and booking can be done through the site; users can even invite friends to join them in classes. GoRecess users can then track all their classes and payments in one place for a clear view of all the workouts they’ve completed. GoRecess currently serves users only within the US and a mobile app is coming soon. Fitness minded entrepreneurs: one to partner with or emulate in your neck of the woods? Spotted by: Jim Stewart