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Photic is a platform on which photographers can get their work accurately critiqued and then rate their critiquers.
There are plenty of photo sharing sites on the web today, all offering professional and amateur photographers a place to share their photos for others to comment on. However, for those hoping to improve as photographers, many of the comments received can be vague and unhelpful. Hoping to address this, Swedish start-up Photic have created a platform on which photographers can get their work accurately critiqued, and then rate their critiquers. Photic — from “photo critic” — is based on the premise that one comment from a personally-respected photographer is worth more the many comments received on other photo sharing sites. Their platform therefore enables users to let Photic know how much they value an individual’s opinion, so future feedback can be filtered by relevancy. Photographers can rate their critiquer on technical skill, unique style and the quality of their comments. Meanwhile, to ensure constructive and specific feedback, critiquers can comment on a photo’s subject, exposure, technicality and color, and will gain value based on the quality of their insights. Photic is currently in beta and have plans to introduce additional features such as a mentoring service to the site. According to Photic, well-managed photo critiquing is missing from what is a huge photo-sharing community. Could a similar concept apply to other art forms and help creative types to grow through online mentoring? Spotted by: Staffan Piledahl
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