Innovation That Matters

Smart brewing machine enables drinkers to create bespoke beer

Work & Lifestyle

The iGulu kit even has a partner app that offers recipe tips and the chance to join a community of fellow beer lovers.

The days of complaining about the cost of a pint of beer could be over with the creation of the iGulu. The smart brewing machine enables users to create their own beer at home, tailoring the ingredients to their taste buds with a host of accompanying recipes.

On the machine, users start by choosing the type of beer they would like to brew from a library of offerings, with the option of customising your own settings. Five litres of water is poured into the keg per batch, and then the ingredients are placed in a compartment within the brewing tray. Beer lovers then simply press the brew button, and the automated mashing and wort cooling process begins and take up to three hours within the machine. The fermentation process then take 1-3 weeks depending on the chosen recipe. The process only requires a standalone keg, which can be monitored on the partner app that also includes recipes and a social network of other iGulu owners. The keg can be left in the machine or in a refrigerator during the fermenting process, so more batches can be brewed in the meantime.

Its compact size and self cleaning ability means it is likely to be a hit with those looking for their next birthday present or kitchen appliance addition. Like beer? A new beer than has been brewed especially to enjoy at high altitude and a Dutch brewery that turns rainwater into beer are just two of the pint-related innovations covered by Springwise of late. What other smart devices could improve the home-making experience?


