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In Japan, underground storage facility keeps bikes safe

The Eco Cycle is a solution that stores bikes underground to stop them from being stolen.

When it comes to bicycle safety, we’ve seen innovations such as glow-in-the-dark models to maps detailing the best cycle routes, but security is still lagging behind. In Japan, the ECO Cycle is a solution that stores bikes underground to stop them from being stolen. Cyclists can pay to store their bike, which when placed into the correct position on an overground kiosk, is taken underground. Complex mechanics are able to grasp the bike using robotic arms that do not damage the metalwork and assign them to one of 200 slots. Users are given a ticket that is swiped in order to retrieve the bike, which takes around 30 seconds. Cyclists can simply walk up and purchase storage time or apply for a monthly subscription at around JPY 1800 per month. The following video from an episode of Culture Japan shows the device in use:
ECO Cycle offers a safer alternative to storing bikes on the street while also freeing up space for pedestrians in busy locations where bike parking is popular. Could this catch on in your part of the world? Spotted by: Smith Alan