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Cashless, IoT payments on any machine

DotDashPay have developed open source APIs that enable any machine to easily take cashless payments.

Speeding up the payment process can make any point of sale experience more efficient, as we’ve seen with this drive-thru RFID payment system. DotDashPay is offering software and hardware for businesses to implement seamless cashless payment systems to suit their needs.


DotDashPay’s devices give businesses the potential to accept all cashless payment methods, from standard magnetic strip credit cards, to contactless chips and cloud-based options such as Bitcoin and PayPal. Users can install the hardware on any machine — from laptops to arcade games or vending kiosks — by writing a few lines of code. DotDashPay also provides basic open source API protocols for businesses to implement the payment system to suit their specific needs, and will take care of the regulations and compliance aspects of transactions. A further round of developer kits will be shipped out early this year by email request as the company seeks further funding.

Recently the winner of UC Berkely’s USD 250,000 startup competition, DotDashPay’s aim is to bring payment into the Internet of Things age. What kind of retail environments could IoT payment systems be useful in?