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In Paris, smartphones double as travel passes

A pilot service being trialled in Paris aims to make life easier for users of the metro and city buses, by putting travel passes on smartphones.

We’ve seen smartphone apps aiding journeys on public transport around the world, from basic route planning, predicting the next train and even connecting commuters with similar journeys. Now, Navigo is trialling a service in Paris that aims to make life easier for users of the metro and city buses, by putting travel passes on smartphones. Currently commuters swipe their Navigo card — equipped with Near Field Communication technology — to pay for journeys. But now France’s public transport authority, STIF, have announced plans to integrate the Navigo card with NFC-compatible smartphones, meaning commuters will soon be able to swipe their smartphone over special readers. This not only means one less thing to remember in the morning, but passes can be renewed at a distance, saving time and frustration with long Monday morning queues. The trial is due to launch early 2012 and will run for 24 months on two Veolia Transport networks in Paris. Anything that removes the stress from a daily commute is likely to be well-received, and an all-in-one travelcard and phone ticks the convenient, practical and time saving boxes. Time for for transport and mobile businesses worldwide to unite? Spotted by: R Steinberg