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In San Francisco, flowers hand-delivered in under 90 mins

For those who have forgotten that important date, BloomThat picks, prepares and delivers fresh bouquets in under 90 minutes.

Hyperlocalized businesses are becoming able to deliver goods at lightning-quick speeds thanks to the web, and we’ve already seen startups such as France’s L’appero offer aperitif bundles at any location in 45 minutes. Now BloomThat is hoping to do the same for flowers — picking, preparing and delivering fresh bouquets in under 90 minutes.

Choosing from a range of bundles including tulips, dahlias, succulents and autumn and summer mixes, customers simply make a selection, say when and where they want it to be delivered, and pay. Rather than offer a large number of options, BloomThat chooses its flowers from local growers according to what’s in season, to ensure they’re always fresh. Bouquets are then delivered by bike messenger in order to reach their destination in under an hour-and-a-half. Bouquets cost around USD 35.

BloomThat is an example of a startup focusing on a local audience and sustainable values in order to deliver high quality service. What other industries could try a hyperlocal approach?

Spotted by Murray Orange, written by Springwise