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More on personalised stamps, including a special yuletide version, just in time for Christmas.

More on personalised stamps, including a special yuletide version, just in time for Christmas. As reported in our June edition, Dutch consumers and businesses are already enjoying the convenience of creating and ordering personalised stamps online. The service, offered by TPG Post, has proved extremely successful: since the launch of the online service, more than 650,000 personalised stamps have been purchased, with 50% of all stamps dedicated to Dutch tikes The introduction of new services continues. Last month, the ‘ten most beautiful personalised stamps’ were issued (no, ours weren’t among them — shame on TPG!). Naturally, they’re for sale and will gain, in true GRAVANITY-style, a mass audience. TPG Post is also promoting a corporate service, and, just in time for the holiday season, personalised Christmas stamps. Clever. So what about the biggest postal market in the world, the same nation that pretty much invented customised marketing and advertising? What company wouldn’t like to have its own branded stamps, and what GRAVANITY obsessed American could turn down the opportunity to have his or her mug featured on real stamps? Well, good news: the President’s Commission on the US Postal Service has recommended that the USPS sell… personalised stamps!
