Innovation That Matters

Smart personalised idea development service helps foster creative ideas

Work & Lifestyle

In India, a new platform helps creatives transform their ideas into reality by understanding their thought process and suggesting creative leads.

The creative process has long been cited as the last bastion of human advantage over the ever encroaching power of technology. Now, a platform has been developed that supports the development of human creative thought. Rygbee is an online smart personal idea development service.

A sort of ‘idea guide’, the service works like this: users keep drafting their thoughts and ideas. The platform “understands” their thought-process and feeds them suggestions of various creative leads. These so-called creative leads can take the form of like-minded people such as mentors or peers, or thought provoking reading or visual material such as research papers, articles, wiki references or online lectures. Founder Sourish Dasgupta explains the process as a solution to the “how-to-track, how-to-start, and what-to-do-next problems.”

A while back we wrote about Solverboard, a platform that allowed businesses with a problem or challenge to connect with individuals with a solution. Will we see more innovations of this kind, that use technology to harness the power of human creative thought?


