Innovation That Matters

Smartphone accessory

Smartphone attachment lets users see skin damage

Work & Lifestyle

A smartphone accessory developed by South Korean company Community Co. Led, uses UV light to let users see the true health and condition of their skin.

Having launched a KickStarter campaign back in January this year, Union Community Co. Ltd has recently hit its USD 80,000 target for its upcoming Nurugo SmartUV accessory, a camera attachment that slots into a smartphone’s MicroUSB/Lightning port and turns an Android or iPhone into a fully functional UV camera.

Accompanied by an app, once downloaded owners simply attach the camera to the phone and it’s immediately ready to start taking videos and stills on the ultraviolet end of the spectrum allowing users to see the condition of their skin beneath the surface. Visible light bounces off the surface, whereas UV light penetrates underneath it, so anyone using the device will get a much deeper insight into the skin’s health.

Owners will also be able to use it to check for gaps when applying sunscreen. A face thoroughly covered in blocker will appear as completely black when viewed through the camera, so any spots missed will be easy to see and remedy. This should help prevent sun-related conditions ranging from sunburn to more serious disorders such as skin cancer.

Nurugo SmartUV also lets users share their videos and stills using the phone’s native sharing functions, so putting them on Facebook and Twitter will be a quick, fluid process.

We have seen other initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the risks of over exposure to the sun, like the Shadow Wifi System, which lures beach-goers into the shadow with the promise of free Wifi. How could other mobile technologies be adapted to educate people further into self-care and prevention?

