Snap Alarm
Property & Construction
Swedish Snap Alarm has designed a smoke alarm that couldn't be easier to install. Just snap and go. Do we detect a smokin' hot distribution opportunity here?
Is Springwise alone in thinking that it’s ridiculous that so many households still don’t have smoke alarms? To the rescue (and detecting profits) comes Snap Alarm, a Swedish company that has designed an optical EUR 40 smoke alarm that is easy to install in as many rooms as needed.
The patented installation technique involves a click-and-go system, which should fit most cords, chains and rods up to 2 cm in diameter, doing away with the need to drill holes. Snap Alarm seems open to partnerships and distributors, so if you want to make the world a safer place and make some money in the process: drop them a line at The truly clever will also hook up with insurance companies to help fire up awareness amongst their customers. A win-win if we ever saw one.
3rd July 2005