Wearable sleeve helps stroke victims recover
Sport & Fitness
The M-Mark sleeve is a wearable device that monitors the recovery process of muscles after a stroke.
With around 150,000 people in the UK suffering from strokes each year, wearable technology is quickly becoming the future of improving recovery rates. We recently saw a South Korean startup develop a smart glove to provide clinicians with real-time data on stroke victims. Researchers at Southampton University are introducing the M-Mark system, which is a sensor-equipped sleeve to ensure stroke patients are correctly and regularly performing rehabilitation exercises.
Currently, about 60 percent of people with moderate to severe strokes are failing to recover useful function in an arm or hand. M-Mark’s sensors connect wirelessly with a tablet computer and app, and will help monitor the wearer’s return to everyday tasks as they work on their strength and muscle movement.
The data will be available on a tablet computer to help patients review their progress and enable their therapists and doctors to personalize their rehabilitation program. The sleeve is also the first to incorporate tiny, microphone-like sensors that detect the vibration of muscle contractions.
How else can wearable technology monitor and assist in physical rehabilitation?
18th February 2016
Email: StudentOffice.FHS@soton.ac.uk
Website: www.southampton.ac.uk