Applying the speed dating model to roommates
Work & Lifestyle
Speed dating has been around for a while in both the offline and online worlds, but it wasn’t until recently that we saw it used to match up roommates. Sure enough, though, that’s just what New Zealand-based Speedrenting does through weekly events at bars in Auckland and Wellington.
Users of Speedrenting’s service begin by showing up at one of the firm’s hour-long Wednesday events and signing up. The price is NZD 12, which includes a free beer or glass of wine as well as a Speedrenting Matchcard and PIN. Participants then scan the room for people with opposing Matchcards—those who have rooms to rent or are in need of rooms, whichever the case may be—and chat with them briefly, making sure also to collect those people’s PINs. Then, any time within the next 24 hours participants send a text message to Speedrenting indicating the PINs of the matches they’d like to meet again; if both parties text about the same match, Speedrenting will provide their respective phone numbers for offline followup. Alternatively, if a participant doesn’t text in about any match within that designated 24-hour period, their PIN and Matchcard remain good for another week.
Speedrenting aims to expand further across New Zealand; meanwhile, it looks like Flatmate Meetup offers something similar in Chicago while Easyroommate’s FlatNightFever is already at work in the London area. One to bring to prospective roommates in your part of the world…? (Related: Mixers for moms & babysitters — More mixers for babysitters & moms.)
Spotted by: Cecilia Biemann
15th February 2010