Innovation That Matters

Ecojoko is able to detect the particular electrical imprints of different devices | Photo source Ecojoko

Intelligent power consumption meter for the home

Agriculture & Energy

French startup Ecojoko is the first of its kind to create an energy assistant based on artificial intelligence, which reduces electricity consumption at home

Spotted: In France, the average household wastes 25 per cent of its electricity consumption. That’s more than €8 billion worth of electricity wasted on a national scale. This number is shocking, but perhaps more alarming is that we often don’t even realise it’s happening. Aside from our light bulbs, we don’t often witness how much electricity our devices consume, which is why the task of tracking our energy consumption is so difficult. This is where Ecojoko comes in. 

The French startup Ecojoko has created a simple-to-install energy assistant to reduce household electricity consumption by 25 per cent. Unlike other meters on the market, Ecojoko tracks consumption in real-time, using algorithms which can differentiate between devices within the home.

Since 2017, the company has been developing a sensor which, when placed on the general circuit breaker, remotely identifies any variation in the current via the input wires, and communicates this information to the energy assistant in the form of radio waves. By using artificial intelligence, Ecojoko is able to detect the particular electrical imprints of different devices. In other words, it can tell if you’re wasting energy by leaving your TV on standby, or by forgetting to put the lid on a pan of boiling water. 

The assistant can be placed anywhere in the home, be it plugged into the mains or connected to the internet, and can be accessed at home or remotely. Once installed, it instantly tells you your consumption, current savings, as well as optimum humidity levels and temperature for a comfortable interior. It can even be linked to an outdoor circuit breaker within a range of 100m.

Written by: Tabitha Bardsley

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