Innovation That Matters

The paper-based packaging material | Photo source FreeFormPack

Commercial packaging supplier introduces stretchable, printable paper wrap


The lightweight, recyclable material is a sustainable plastic alternative that reduces shipping weight

Spotted: A new paper-based packaging material created by FreeForm Packaging AB provides a sustainable alternative to plastics. Called Standard Paper Out, the stretchy paper is laminated on one side only, leaving the other side available for printing. With paper on the outside and laminate on the inside, the material provides endless opportunities for shaping packages to fit the product. The interior laminate also makes the material strong enough to enclose and keep a range of food items fresh, without needing an inner bag.

As well as the flexibility in form, the paper exterior helps reduce a product’s carbon footprint. All required information can be printed directly on the packaging, thereby eliminating the need for stickers, labels and any other additions. The packaging is made airtight by attaching a simple enclosure. Companies choose from a variety of sizes and shapes of enclosures.

Purchase of the new material includes the option to buy the machines that make the paper, thereby making it possible for a business to control one aspect of its production process completely. FreeForm Packaging AB is a Swedish company owned by BillerudKorsnäs AB in Sweden and CURTI in Italy. CURTI makes the machines that produce the paper, and BillerudKorsnäs AB manufactures the laminate. As well as making the new paper recyclable, the partnership supports forestry organisations and those working on improving recycling pathways.  

Packaging has been undergoing a reboot lately, with businesses from luxury candle companies, to restaurants offering takeaway finding ways to reduce single-use plastics in their production and delivery processes.

Written by: Keely Khoury

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