Innovation That Matters

The cleaner tablet comes in blue, yellow or orange | Photo source Supublic

Dissolvable tablets offer sustainable alternative to plastic-based liquid cleaners

Work & Lifestyle

The concentrated tablets come in three versions, suited to different rooms in the house

Spotted:  Seoul-based brand Supublic has developed a series of dissolvable tablets as an alternative to liquid-based cleaning supplies. 

There are three different versions of the tablets: a blue, multi-purpose cleaner tablet, a yellow one for the bathroom and an orange tablet for the kitchen.

Each colour features different natural ingredients and scents, with the blue containing orange and lavender, the yellow coconut and mint, and the orange lemon and thyme.

The tablets provide a concentration of non-toxic cleaning agents that users can dissolve in water, creating 430 millilitres of cleaning solution. The project is named 1N9 Modern Cleaner after the ratio of 10 per cent detergent, to 90 per cent water.

The initial purchase comes with three colour-coded and labelled reusable bottles to be refilled with 1N9 Modern Cleaner tablets so that the user doesn’t have to buy any single-use plastic bottles when the product runs out.

 “Whether it’s mindlessly tossing out an empty cleaning bottle or glossing over the ingredients list, small daily actions can shape the future of our planet,” said Supublic.

Written By: Katrina Lane

Explore more: Work & Lifestyle Innovations | Sustainability Innovations

