Tilting sled lets users truly carve the slopes
Work & Lifestyle
AROC sled features mobile joints made of spring steel that enable the rider to actively steer by leaning motorcycle-style.
When winter rolls around adventurous outdoor types will once again be seeking the slopes in search of a thrill, possibly utilizing a ski-through ATM if they’re in Whistler, or an electric balaclava to keep warm when that windchill drops, and now they’ll also be able to carve up the slopes on a new style of sled.
Switzerland-based AROC has developed a sled with the aim of giving the user a more controlled, exciting downhill ride. Whereas sledding is traditionally a more passive experience that simply uses gravity, the AROC sled has spring steel joints that enable the user to influence direction by leaning towards where they want to go in the same way motorcyclists take corners, using body weight to produce dynamic steering. While the joints enable the body of the sled to move, fixed runners and a circular handlebar that can be either gripped in front of the body or laterally, offer stability and control while steering. The body of the sled is made from durable wood for lightness and user comfort, but also because using wood in the process reduces the cost of manufacturing and makes use of a reusable material, aiming for a lower environmental impact. The AROC sled is currently undergoing a Kickstarter campaign with shipping scheduled for late 2017 and an expected retail price of CHF 550.
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22nd August 2017
Email: info@aroc-snowsports.ch
Website: www.aroc-snowsports.ch