Innovation That Matters

Tiny vending machine dispenses healthy snacks to toddlers


UK-based children's food brand Ella’s Kitchen recently unveiled a tiny snack vending machine designed for young kids.

We’ve already seen one vending machine that’s designed to dispense treats just to adults, so it seems only fair that there should be another one aimed specifically at kids. Sure enough, UK-based children’s food brand Ella’s Kitchen recently unveiled a tiny snack vending machine designed for young kids. Ella’s Kitchen’s machine stands 115 cm tall and is just the right size for most toddlers, according to a report on Offering 12 varieties of healthy snacks, the device reportedly even features several tyke-oriented features designed to make it easy for toddlers to operate independently. It was apparently trialled at UK children’s festival LolliBop in August. Toddlers have long been recognized by marketers as a burgeoning market of their own, so it makes sense to see them targeted with a specially designed vending machine. Kids’ product makers around the globe: how about you?

