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AI glasses helps children with autism read facial expressions

Autism Glass is a wearable, behavioral aid that uses machine learning and real-time social cues to help those with autism interact with others.

In the US, over one million children suffer from autism. These children find it difficult to recognize emotions through facial expressions, making social interactions very challenging. While patients can gain an understanding through behavioral therapy, this can be both time-consuming and expensive. Now, Autism Glass is a wearable aid from researchers at Stanford University, that uses Google Glass, machine learning and real-time social cues to provide those on the autism spectrum with another option.

To use, patients put on the wearable glasses, which incorporate an outward-facing camera. Then, the system uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand the facial expressions of people the wearer encounters, and provides cues about their companion’s emotions in real-time. The system records the amount of eye contact that takes place, which can provide insights into the wearer’s interactions. The wearable is connected to a smartphone app so that the patient, their parents and medical professionals can monitor and understand their progress and even watch back their interactions.

Research is still undergoing after a successful 40 person pilot study, and the developers are currently seeking participants on the autism spectrum aged 6-16. We have already seen an app that gives users friendship advice by monitoring their heart rate. Are there other new technologies that could help autism patients better understand the world?