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Nudge Kick enables users to disable their favorite sites and apps until they've registered some exercise on their fitness tracker or checked in at the gym.
Exercise is easy if there's a motivation to do it. Unfortunately, finding that motivation is the most difficult thing about keeping fit. We've already seen sites such as Go Fucking Do It introduce monetary penalties for those that don't reach their goals. Now Nudge Kick enables users to disable their favorite sites and apps until they've registered some exercise on their fitness tracker or checked in at the gym.
The service comes in 2 forms — an Android app and a Google Chrome extension, both of which are currently in beta. With Nudge Kick installed on their smartphone, users can choose the gym they regularly go to, alongside the apps they'd like to block. They can then set their goals as either daily or weekly visits or choose specific scheduled days, as well as the times the apps should be blocked for before the visit. The apps will then become blocked until they check in at the gym.
The Chrome extension works in a similar way, with users entering the URLs they want blocked. This add-on works with fitness trackers rather than gym check-ins, with users having to meet exercise goals to unlock their sites.
Watch the video below to learn more about Nudge Kick:
By blocking popular timewasting sites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter and games, the service gives users the nudge they need to make it to the gym. Are there other ways to encourage people to get off their devices and start exercising?
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