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Earthquake Buddy uses GPS data and social networks to notify friends and family of users' whereabouts when a quake strikes.
There have already been a number of mobile apps that help to prepare or aid people in the case of an emergency – take Rapid Rescue and Guardly as examples. Focusing on those in need of assistance following a seismic event, Earthquake Buddy uses GPS data and social networks to notify friends and family of users’ whereabouts. Those living in areas at risk of earthquakes can first choose four close acquaintances who will receive an alert in the event of an emergency. As soon as a quake that registers higher than 5.5 on the Richter scale is detected in the user’s local area, the contacts receive details of that person’s exact location via text message, email or on social networks, so they can see if they were near the epicenter or not. If the user cannot be contacted and is presumed missing, the GPS information will allow loved ones to find them. Data is stored in the cloud, meaning that the app doesn’t rely on the phone to be working in order to send the message – even if the device is damaged during the quake, the app can still retrieve the location it logged moments before the event and broadcast it to contacts. Users can also record an audio or video message for their friends and family in case the worst happens. Earthquake Buddy is available for AUD 4.49 on the App Store. The video below explains how the app works: The app makes finding earthquake victims buried under rubble an easier task for emergency responders and puts loved ones’ minds at rest. Are there other ways commonplace technology could be used to save lives? Spotted by: Murray Orange
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