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Work+ uses GPS to direct freelancers to the nearest venues that cater to their working needs.
While freelancers who find they’re too distracted at home could join a shared office – such as the ones offered by Desktime, there is still the downside of paying to rent space. Recognizing that many self-employed workers could simply make do with a good cafe and wifi connection, Work+ is an app that directs them to the venues that cater to their needs. Developed by Tender Creative for the NYC BigApps 3.0 competition, the app determines the user’s location via GPS and filters nearby places based on their criteria – whether it is a fast internet connection or a pet-friendly policy. Once a venue has been chosen, workers can check in via foursquare. Upon checking out, the start and finish times are logged to automatically create a record of hours worked. Users can also rate locations to help other freelancers determine how suitable they are for work. The video below explains the app in more detail: Winning the Best Mashup and coming second in the Best Overall Application categories at BigApps, the app could prove useful for both officeless workers and businesses needing to quickly identify a nearby suitable meeting place. One to develop for your area? Spotted by: Murray Orange
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