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Automated, personalized, and optimized outreach emails

Reply is tool that automates personalized email outreach, responses and follow-ups.

Business sales emails are often either massively time-consuming for the sender or cold and alienating for the reader. Hoping to strike a balance, Canadian startup Reply is a tool that automates personalized emails and follow-ups, in order to save the sales team time without jeopardizing potential leads or new clients.

To begin, clients set up a series of accounts for relevant employees and connect Reply to their existing email providers. Then they import their contact lists, create message templates and set the number of touch points. From there, Reply will take care of all outreach emails, follow-ups and responses, adjusting the content according to the stage of communication. All emails are sent from the user’s address and replies go straight to their inbox. Reply also enables users to monitor the progress of their campaigns via the dashboard, while using the data to automate scheduling and format to optimize responses.

Reply costs USD 55 per month, for up to 1000 contacts. Could any other time-consuming B2B communications be automated?