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PredictHQ uses data to predict trends and show what global and local events are affecting businesses.
Finding out what events impact a business can have a huge effect on profits. Local and international happenings can have a major influence on people using a business or service, but sometimes it can be hard for companies to spot the trends by themselves.
In order to help businesses understand events, from national holidays to local festivities, PredictHQ has created a service that produces in-depth reports to help businesses identify events that affect their revenues and their customers.
PredictHQ’s platform collects data from both local and global events and uses this to tell companies what might have an impact on their business, and predict what forthcoming events might affect business in future. PredictHQ has a web app that enables businesses to check when and where real-time events are relevant to their business using a map and a calendar, and an API also gives businesses a single point to access big data and build applications.
We recently saw a platform offering geotagged social media analysis for local user engagement. Could a platform combine the two?