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The New Horizon Youth Centre is giving young homeless individuals bus tickets that enable them to ride safely through the night, instead of sleeping on the streets.
The number of young people sleeping rough on London’s streets has risen by 55 percent in the last four years. The New Horizon Youth Centre can only accommodate about 50 percent of the 16-21 year olds who approach them for help. The organization has now turned to a temporary — though a while away from ideal — solution for the remaining youths, in the form of bus tickets and circular route recommendations enabling them to safely ride through the night.
Benefit cuts, rising rents, and a reduction in hostel funding have all contributed to growing homelessness, yet the number of emergency beds is falling. Of course, a seat on a bus is no substitute for a hostel bed, but in the current climate, the alternative is often sleeping on the floor of a room already filled with four other people, squatting or sleeping rough. New Horizon also provide sleeping bags and invite the young people to return to the centre in the morning for breakfast and a shower.
We recently saw billboards being turned into beds for homeless individuals in Pakistan. What are some other unused public spaces that can be adapted for those in need?