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Located at 26 Champs-Elysées, POINTWC offers luxurious surroundings for ‘une pause pipi’. For the modest sum of EUR 1, members of the public can enter an oasis that’s nothing like an ordinary public restroom. Customers are welcomed by smartly dressed bathroom attendants, who also sell items in the boutique WC’s boutique shop. Impulse buys vary from diapers to designer toilet-paper holders. Needless to say, the bathrooms look (and smell) impeccable, and are cleaned after every single use. Women are provided with a powder room — a ’21st century boudoir’ — which offers hotel-sized toiletries, ample mirrors and good lighting. Each bathroom has a different theme: classic chic, ethnic, zen, high-tech, etc. This works well to display products by POINTWC’s sponsor: the RocaLaufen Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of sanitary ware and tiles. Letting consumers recharge and relax, while very subtly showing off your (or a partner’s) wares: that sounds like a prime example of what has dubbed brand spaces. Spaces that accommodate consumers, becoming a relevant and useful part of their daily lives, offering them surprise, discovery, empathy, and transformation. Naturally, this would also be a great setting for tryvertising, especially for makeup and skin care brands. POINT WC isn’t currently partnering with anyone other than Roca-Laufen, but the company’s director told us that he would love to distribute samples. Estée Lauder, Nivea, Clarins — what are you waiting for?! 😉 The concept, which opened in June, is a smash-hit both with Parisians and tourists, and POINTWC is planning to open more points in France and abroad. Related articles: Tryvertising & flickering flames, Baby brand spaces