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Children’s coding kit brings magic to life

This step-by-step kit teaches children how to code by immersing them in the well-loved magical world of Harry Potter.

Children growing up in a technological world need to speak the language. We’ve seen companies seek to teach children about technology through crypto piggy-banks or AI toy robots. But where better to learn how to code through the magic of the world’s favourite wizard?

Kano has teamed up with Warner Bros to create the world’s first Harry Potter STEM product. The step-by-step Harry Potter Coding Kit teaches young users how to code through building their own wireless wand. The process teaches them not only how to code, but also how sensors, a gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer work. Throughout the kit, the young coders must learn the basics of coding through a block-based interface and a JavaScript inspector. The user can also program customized light and sounds themselves.

Once completed, the wand then performs like a Potter wand, parallel with the iOS or Android tablet app. Just like in Hogwarts, the wireless wand can be used to perform spells and interact with scenes from all over the Wizarding World. With over 70 challenges, the fun is certainly not over when the coding stops. The process and the final product together help children engage with technology by equating it to the magic of their imaginations.

The Harry Potter Kano Kit is available to pre-order now for 99.99 USD, with first orders being shipped in October. With kits like this available to the younger generation, what sort of technological innovations might they come up with in future?