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Real estate company Redfin’s Opportunity Score tool rates cities based on the combined availability of housing, jobs and public transport.
Stronger communities are important to many people, and we’re seeing a lot of ideas around creating new local networks. Neighbors can sign up to accept packages for people who are out during the day, and farmers are leasing their surplus water to other nearby landowners. For those wanting a car-free commute, real estate company Redfin’s Opportunity Score tool is ideal. The tool rates 350 major metro areas in the United States on numbers of jobs paying USD 40,000 or more, that are also within a 30-minute public transport commute of a local address.
Developed as part of a White House hackathon, the tool highights the crucial role public transit plays in helping families and individuals that don’t own a car get and stay in work. A companion to Redfin’s Walk Score tool, Opportunity Score includes house sale and rental prices in its analysis and rating. The Redfin team sees use in the tool for almost everyone, at all different stages of life, and says they are continuing to develop the tool’s capabilities.
How could the locavore movement use a similar tool?