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Traditionally, access to content on wire services such as Reuters and the Associated Press has required that publishers foot a hefty bill for a subscription. Aiming to open up its content to a wider audience, however, CNN has launched a new à la carte service that sells CNN Wire stories for single use for USD 199. After introducing a subscription model for its wire service earlier this year, CNN now hopes to provide an option for publishers that need content for single use and on demand. The self-service CNN Wire Store allows publishers around the globe to browse through CNN Wire articles, hold selected articles in a cart for review, check out easily with a credit card and then download story content on demand. Content available includes Christiane Amanpour’s reports from around the world, medical reports from Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and the economic and financial reporting of Susan Grant, executive vice president of CNN News Services, explains: “CNN understands the changing business landscape of journalism and the marketplace. The expanded CNN Wire provides an opportunity for a new platform to make CNN Wire stories easily accessible, and for the first time, on a per-story basis to any publisher, anywhere on their own timetable. With the launch of the CNN Wire Store website, we’ve made our original journalism easily available to other publishers on demand.” While Reuters and AP reportedly offer single-story reprints through iCopyright for about USD 500 per story, CNN’s lower pricing and easy access makes it more likely to appeal to bloggers and other smaller news outlets—which, by the looks of things, just may be the future of publishing. Don’t look now, but the news landscape has changed again! 😉 (Related: Online marketplace for contentRoyalty-free content.) Spotted by: Cecilia Biemann