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With all the many “design your own” efforts we’ve covered over the years, it’s hard to imagine there’s a category we haven’t yet seen in customizable form. Tackling exactly that, however, French Codage is a company that lets customers choose not only the ingredients but also their concentrations in a variety of products in its skincare line. Codage’s approach to skincare includes both nutritional supplements and serums for the face and eye area. To begin, consumers can follow a step-by-step diagnostic process online to assess their personal needs, including factors such as skin type and lifestyle. From there Codage makes recommendations for key ingredients and concentrations in a nutritional supplement as well as serums for face and eyes. Consumers can then go on to order those items as suggested or modify their composition before ordering; concentrations can be increased to as much as 70 percent. All Codage products are 100 percent natural, the Paris-based company says, with no parabens nor phtalates. Is there any product under the sun consumers don’t want to customize? We certainly can’t think of many of them. Keep the design-your-own innovations coming! (Related: Design-your-own accessories with a choice of knitting granniesDesign your own jeans, custom-made for $145Customized daily vitamin packs.) Spotted by: Alice Revel