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Commitment rings prevent Netflix cheating

Cornetto's Series Commitment Rings are a pair of NFC bands that stop streaming partners from watching ahead without each other.

Though Netflix is said to be the glue that holds many modern relationships together, it can also be the source of irreconcilable conflict — one partner could make the ultimate betrayal by watching an extra episode of House of Cards without the other. To prevent such deception, Cornetto has create Series Commitment Rings, a pair of NFC bands that stop Netflix viewers from watching ahead without their partner.

To begin, Netflix partners download the Series Commitment app and select the series they want to watch. Then, they put both rings close the their phone to unlock the app. If either person tries to watch the show without their partner, the series will be blocked, preventing them from watching ahead.

We have already seen home-made smart socks, which pause Netflix when the wearer falls asleep. How else could brands use physical objects to playfully interact with digital streaming culture?