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Momondo is a flight comparison website that partnered with a DNA analytics company to offer customers free trips to the country where their ancestors are from.
Travel agencies are now capable of curating journeys based on more than weather and school holidays, such as this platform that builds contextual trips based on big data, and now a flight comparison website is offering free trips based on users’ DNA.
Momondo, a Denmark-based flight comparison platform, has partnered with AncestryDNA to run a marketing competition that sees winners receiving free trips to the countries where their DNA originates. Tests are based on saliva samples sent through the post, which shows that most users have varied, multinational ancestries. Called The DNA Journey, the project aims to improve diversity tolerance not only by demonstrating how varied each person’s own backgrounds are, but also by encouraging users to travel and experience the cultures of their seemingly distant ancestors. The international competition is open until August 16th.
Could commercial airlines also encourage users to travel to their “homeland”, with discounts or extra air miles, based on their DNA history?