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GuiaGarrafon is a site that aims to let consumers call out the bars and pubs in Spain that are serving drinks made from adulterated or unauthentic ingredients.
Stark honesty is never in short supply where the crowds are involved, delivering a hefty dose of transparency to operators of hotels, ski resorts, and playgrounds, to name just a few. The latest to join the list? Spain’s bars and pubs, which are the focus of GuiaGarrafon, a site that aims to let consumers call out the ones serving drinks made from adulterated or unauthentic ingredients. Now in beta, Madrid-based GuiaGarrafon focuses on giving users a way to report Spanish bars and pubs that serve poor-quality drinks made from adulterated ingredients. This is a growing problem in Spain, according to GuiaGarrafon founder José Ignacio Diez, who told the Yorokobu blog that part of his aim in exposing such establishments is to motivate them to change. Users of the site can also add positive reviews for bars serving authentic products, and IP controls are in place to keep voting fair. Thanks to the power of the crowds, unethical practices are being stamped out across a variety of industries and markets. How could you embrace the trend for a transparency triumph of your own? Spotted by: Leticia Pérez Prieto