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Device creates alerts when birth control pill has been forgotten

Clip-on device attaches onto a regular pill sheet and uses patented technology to ensure daily medication is not forgotten.

From health tracking to data analysis, we have seen an increase in technology solutions targeting the health industry and offering benefits for pharmaceutical companies and consumers alike. Now, a new Finnish creation called Popit Sense hopes to eliminate the doubt of whether or not women have taken their birth control pill.

The device clips on to the pill pack, and uses patented technology and three sensors to detect if the daily pill has been taken. If it has been forgotten, it creates an alert on a connected app that can be downloaded by the user. The app can also be linked to other people, such as the partner of the person taking the pill. The device and adjoined app does not create any form of alert if the pill has been taken, so daily phone reminders can be a thing of the past. Its battery life spans up to 12 months, has a Bluetooth range of up to 30m, and comes in eight colours. Popit is currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo and the pre-order prices start from USD 29 (incl. shipping in US and CA).

The company hopes to expand support to other major medication groups such as type 2 diabetes, anti-depression, hypertension, cholesterol and thyroid medications, which combined have an addressable market of well over 1.5 billion users. Popit calls this the ‘Internet of Pills’, because their patented technology is making the pill sheet connected and offering new opportunities for tracking medication consumption.

Tracking medication can be a useful way to check the right amount is being taken and, if that still isn’t having the desired effect, amend medication appropriately. The FDA recently approved the first drug to be embedded with a tracker, and another unique drug implant releases regular doses using a magnet. How could wearables and connected devices further improve patient adherence and enable new possibilities in healthcare?