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Stash uses artificial intelligence to categorize web pages, making it easy to save things for later and share bookmarks between devices and people.
Finding that great recipe just became a lot easier with Stash. An online bookmarking site, Stash uses machine learning to categorize webpages. Recipe, file, book, movie, video, job and many more categories make it easy for users to find the pages that caught their eye.
Users simply click the Stash icon and the system does the work. Sharing is easy, between devices and people. And when a user receives a bookmark from someone else, it is stored in an inbox until it is accepted or deleted. Users can also set reminders to look at something later. Stash has yet to be released, and anyone interested in using it can add their email address to the waiting list.
Getting and staying organized is on many peoples’ to-do lists, and a number of projects are helping. There is the browser extension that turns any online text into a task, and a phone call app that lets contacts know when users have a spare minute. How could organizational improvements be expanded to incorporate more areas of life?