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If consumers can design their own fabrics, dresses, handbags and sneakers, it stands to reason that they should be able to create their own high-heeled shoes too. Stiletto fans will surely rejoice, then, to learn of Dream Heels, a site where they can do just that—and earn some cash for their creations. Now in beta, Winnipeg-based Dream Heels holds a design contest each month to pick a new printed high-heeled shoe to put into production. Visitors to the site can create and submit designs using its templates and 3-D Shoe Viewer software. All designs then get opened up to the Dream Heels community for critique and voting. Creators of winning designs (there’s one per month) get USD 250 in cash and a USD 250 Dream Heels gift certificate as well as USD 0.50 for every shoe that gets sold in the Dream Heels shop featuring that design—up to a maximum of USD 1,500. Making even more of the site’s social aspects, every member gets assigned a referral code for use when spreading the word about Dream Heels on other sites. Every time someone clicks through to make a purchase using that linked code, the member gets USD 1 towards anything in the Dream Heels store. There are not yet any Dream Heels shoes available for purchase, as the site only just concluded its second monthly contest; pricing on the shoes has not yet been announced. Nevertheless, in addition to eventually selling its winning designs online, Dream Heels is also seeking vendors interested in selling its shoes in their boutique or shop. Retailers: time to use a crowdsourcing twist to set your store apart?