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Crowdsourced creations already form the foundation of sneaker brand Ryz, which sells high-tops featuring graphic designs created and voted into production by consumers. Now, a similar concept is being used to create Exuve, a new line of clothing “where the designer and the consumer are one and the same.”
California-based Exuve is a new fashion label for women and men that sells dresses, tops, skirts, jackets and bottoms designed and voted on by the crowds. Users can submit their designs for any of the site’s monthly competitions using any combination of pictures, illustrations, words and specs. Submitted designs then get posted for critique and review by other members of the Exuve community; the designers, meanwhile, are encouraged to promote their work on their own blogs, social networks and personal pages. The designs in each category that get rated the highest are put into production for purchase in the company’s online boutique, and winners are rewarded with USD 500 in cash, a USD 200 Exuve gift certificate (redeemable for USD 100 cash) and 5 percent of net revenue royalties from sales of the item through and its affiliate retailers. There are currently some 70 users registered on the site.
With companies like Exuve, Ryz, Infectious and Threadless—among many others—it’s not hard to imagine a future where product designers no longer exist per se, replaced instead by the prolific and eager hordes of creative consumers. Marketing, of course, is also taken care of by those same socially connected masses. Fortunately, there will always be a place for you, the inspired entrepreneurs who make it all happen! 😉 (Related: Open-source label for green fashion.)
Spotted by: James Burn
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