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The “buy one, give one” efforts are coming fast and furious lately, but we felt compelled to mention one more particularly elegant example: FIGS, a California-based tie maker that donates a school uniform to a needy African child for each purchase on its site. In many parts of Africa, a proper uniform is a prerequisite for attending school. For those in poverty-stricken areas, however, affording one is essentially impossible, meaning that children go uneducated. FIGS’s answer to that problem is that for every tie or bow tie it sells, a uniform is given to a child in need. The company sells a wide variety of neckwear—in varieties including Italian silk woven, pure British woolen and fine wool tartan—at prices ranging from USD 105 to USD 140 each. Custom ties are also available. FIGS is focusing initially on 105 schools in Kenya and Tanzania, but it hopes eventually to extend its efforts around the globe. Clothing manufacturers, distributors and other likely partners: time to help make that happen? (Related: Giving engine enables ‘buy one, give one’ generosityBuy a bottle of wine and donate clean waterBuy a onesie, donate one to a baby in needShoes for good.) Spotted by: Troy Tessalone