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Free tech training for veterans

VETT aims to improve the lives and prospects of vets through community support and technology education.

Huge numbers of former soldiers suffer from PTSD — post traumatic stress disorder — especially those who experience combat. The physical and mental effects of the illness can often be lengthy and prevent veterans from maintaining relationships or holding down a job. We have already seen a free, virtual chat platform that helps veterans with social reintegration. Now VETT is a program that aims to improve the lives and prospects of vets through community support and technology education.

VETT was founded by Robert Slack, whose son, a marine veteran, died after suffering from PTSD. Aiming to prevent more casualties, Slack is currently crowdfunding the program on Indiegogo in collaboration with TechShop and Project Sidekick. To begin, veterans enroll in the program and learn skills such as wood-shop, welding and design at TechShop’s DIY facilities in California. Each veteran will then have a curriculum tailored to their needs and skills and can complete their learning for free within a community of other veterans. There are various programs available including a 3D prototyping project and an UAV project.


The Indiegogo campaign aims to raise funds to provide equipment, teachers and free membership for participants. How else could veterans be supported through education?