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In support of Ukraine

The Springwise team are deeply saddened by the tragic events currently taking place in Ukraine, and we stand with every Ukrainian citizen, and all victims of the hostilities.

Every day we have the enormous privilege to highlight the best examples of human ingenuity from countries across the globe. We fundamentally believe in the power of innovation to make a positive difference to our world in a way that transcends political division.

While the news in recent days has focused on the destructive events currently taking place, we highlight the creativity and ingenuity of Ukrainian innovators, and the contribution they have made to solving some of our most pressing global problems.

As a proud B Corp, we support B Lab Europe in calling on all our readers, partners, and fellow community members to find ways to support those affected by the crisis.

We cannot unify our efforts to protect our people and planet without peace. We are all dependent on each other. We are all responsible for each other.

Three innovations from Ukraine

Photo source Thomas Vermeersch on Unsplash


Mycotoxins are poisonous substances produced by fungi. They can be found in food, with around 25 per cent of agricultural commodities affected each year. Cereals, nuts, spices, dried fruits, apples, and coffee beans are particularly susceptible. Not only does this pose a threat to human health – it also leads to food waste. And climate change is contributing to the challenge, with increasingly humid conditions leading to higher rates of mycotoxin contamination in food products and animal feed. To tackle this, Kyiv-based startup BIOsens, has developed a portable solution for testing crops in the field. Read more.

Photo source Erwan Hesry on Unsplash


Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas harmful to our planet. But it is also a commodity. Plants use CO2 in photosynthesis, and increasing its concentration in a contained environment like a greenhouse increases crop yields, boosting profits. Commercial growers therefore purchase CO2 for use in climate-controlled systems. Currently, commercial CO2 is produced as a byproduct of burning natural gas for heating. The other main option is a system based on CO2 in liquified form. Now, Kyiv-based Carbominer has developed a new carbon capturing module that produces agricultural CO2 in a new way – by capturing it from ambient air. Read more.

Photo source Pixabay


Odesa and Kyiv-based startup A.D.A.M has a bold and ambitious mission – to make it possible to treat any part of the human body as a replaceable part. This may sound like a lofty goal, but the company is making rapid progress. Since the company’s foundation in 2018, the initial focus has been on developing bone implants using proprietary 3D printing technology. This technology has already passed pre-clinical trials in wistar rats, and the company is currently awaiting further regulatory clearances with the goal of beginning sales in 2022. Read more.

Words: Matthew Hempstead

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