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In New Zealand, modified washing machine enables pop-up discos

Gap Filler is aiming to make use of empty plots with its Dance-O-Mat, a modified washing machine that can turn any space into a dance studio.

Making creative use of empty space is something that has been tackled by Renew Australia, a scheme connecting artists with unused buildings. Now New Zealand-based Gap Filler is aiming to do something similar with its Dance-O-Mat, a modified washing machine that can turn any space into an impromptu disco. Following the damaging 2011 Christchurch earthquake, a number of dance studios became unusable. As one of its many projects facilitating creative use of community space, Gap Filler decided to modify a portable washing machine that can play music for half an hour when NZD 2 is inserted into the slot. A dancefloor is also laid out so that passersby can join in, while instructors from the local area have helped teach dance moves. Anyone can plug their mp3 player or phone into the machine to play the songs they want to hear. In previous outings, the machine has racked up around 600 hours of use, according the organization, and – although currently not in use – will be active again in January 2013. The Dance-O-Mat helps to put a smile on residents’ faces in the wake of destructive natural disasters, providing spontaneous social activity and creativity. How else can positive projects be borne out of unfortunate events? Spotted by: Hemanth Chandrasekar