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eBay recently launched a new, no-fuss way for people to sell electronics they no longer use. The Instant Sale service offers free shipping, removal of personal data, and if a device doesn’t sell, eBay will recycle it for free.
How it works? On Instant Sale, consumers can specify what type of gadget they’d like to sell, what condition it’s in and if they’re including a charger. Instant Sale instantly displays an offer (for example, USD 78 for an iPhone 3G in fair condition). If the user accepts the offer, eBay connects him or her with a buyer who is willing to pay that price. The buyer provides the seller with a free shipping label, and once the gadget has been received and confirmed to be in the condition specified by the seller, the buyer deposits the funds in his or her PayPal account.
eBay launched Instant Sale to create an easy way for consumers to offload electronics that are lying around the house, but seem like too much effort to list and sell the normal eBay way. It also touts the environmental benefits of reusing and recycling; the concept was developed by eBay’s Green Team, which created the reusable shipping boxes we covered earlier this year.
Of course, eBay is also interested in capturing a piece of the growing electronics resale and recycling market, joining smaller companies like Gazelle and BuyMyTronics. (Related: Electronics retailer facilitates secondhand sales.)
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