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LiquorOFF accepts and resells donors' unwanted spirits, beers and wines, helping consumers to save money on alcohol.
Passing on used goods is a time honored way to ensure that resources don’t get wasted, and Japan has plenty of secondhand stores. There’s even one in Tokyo called Pass The Baton, which attaches the story of the previous owner to each item. While such stores don’t typically accept food and drink items, LiquorOFF is now taking in and reselling donors’ unwanted spirits, beers and wines, helping consumers to save money on alcohol.
Located in Suginami ward, the store is operated by HARD OFF, which specializes in used goods from books to toy figurines. The idea is that people who have received alcohol as an unwanted gift, or know full well that the bottle of sake sitting in the drinks cabinet is never going to get used up, can simply take their spare bottles and trade them in for cash. The catch is that they must be unopened. Businesses with excess stock can also take advantage, and the store accepts cans of beer as well as more expensive tipples. Consumers can then get their favorite drinks at a slight discount from high street liquor stores.
Are there other unusual items that warrant their own secondhand store?
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